PAAA members meeting and
recruitment meeting hailed a success
9th November 2021
Directors of the PAAA are delighted to report that association meeting and recruitment event held on Friday 5thNovember at Whittlebury Park was a great success, with 55 members and potential members attending an evening of good food, good company and an enlightening exchange of information.
The first face-to-face meeting held by the association for over 18 months began with a brief introduction, followed by a superb hot buffet and the appropriate beverages. Guests were then provided with an overview of what the PAAA does and the benefits it provides.
TV presenter and self-confessed car enthusiast Paul Cowland then entertained guests with a intriguing talk about his journey into television. His presentation also included an endorsement of the important role the PAAA plays within the performance aftermarket industry.
There then followed a lively and informative discussion about the recently published Future of Transport Regulatory Review Consultation white paper (download below) and the implications it could have on our industry if its areas of its proposed application are not clarified. To this end, the PAAA’s draft response to the document was circulated to members, which sparked further exchanges and conversation and was praised for its content.
The meeting concluded with a thanks to everyone attending for their support and contribution during the evening and, having heard first-hand about the future challenges our industry is about to face, non-members were invited to join the association. To this end, the PAAA looks forward to welcoming new members into the association and in doing so, strengthen the industry’s collective voice at government level.
Download the Future of Transport Regulatory Review Consultation white paper (PDF)