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Meeting with the Department for Transport - REPORT

29th November 2021


The Directors of the PAAA are pleased to report that a very productive meeting was held with two representatives of the Department for Transport on Thursday 25th November, to discuss the document that was issued at the end of September: ‘Future of transport regulatory review consultation: Modernising vehicle standards.’


The DfT representatives, both of whom are experts in their field and have previous automotive industry experience, outlined the ultimate aims of any proposed legislation and explained that the consultation document was to enable the DfT to receive views from a wide variety of stakeholders before moving forward to the next stage internally and consult with their lawyers.


In their very first words the DfT confirmed there is no intention to outlaw the modification of vehicles as we currently understand. There will be no effect on motorsport vehicles or alterations and improvements made to classic cars. They were clear that the intention is not to make tuning illegal - and this was reiterated on a number of occasions.


The PAAA directors were told that the primary focus is to be on emission and software changes. This includes hardware and software modifications designed specifically to defeat emission tests, as well as changes that alter safety systems of modern vehicles. The principal focus being that of EVs but not exclusively.


It was clear the DfT are in the very early stages of this process and when specific questions were asked about wording, testing, approvals, scope of legislation, vehicle ages etc., they admitted they are nowhere near the point of having any focused thoughts or views on this.


The DfT representatives said they were very pleased to meet with the PAAA and the directors made it clear that as an association we support quality work from responsible businesses and we do not support emission-cheat equipment or specific software safety system alteration.


The PAAA is pleased to report that as an association we are now on their informal list of contacts for consultation on subjects of this nature in the future.


Following the meeting, the board feel that the DfT understand the need for very clear wording. The representatives are knowledgeable people who have an understanding of the performance and aftermarket industry and confirmed they have no wish to interfere with the status quo but intend to put clear legislation in place to outlaw dangerous and emission cheating modifications.


The DfT explained that going through the responses to the consultation would take several months, following which they will publish a document in response to this consultation, possibly in the first quarter of next year.




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