The Performance Automotive Aftermarket Association has been founded to represent the interests of automotive product manufacturers, distributors and retailers based in the UK. The Association comprises the highest profile companies in the performance aftermarket sector.
The key benefits of membership:
The PAAA is the only trade organisation that comprises industry-leading companies that manufacture, distribute and sell performance parts and/or services for the UK aftermarket sector
The PAAA is a national trade body that provides a collective voice that is capable of applying pressure on government proposals and legislation that could undermine the trading environment
The PAAA has close relationships with parallel overseas organisations – potentially useful when exporting goods
Membership provides access to industry leaders
Benefits of association with the SMART Campaign
B2B and industry networking opportunities
Regular newsletters
Inclusion in PAAA social media activity
Logo and click through from PAAA website
Invitations to members’ general meetings
Vocational visits and social events
Use of PAAA quality mark and SMART logo to endorse products and/or services
Members Forum
All for just £650 per annum!

To become a member, companies are required to fulfil the following criteria:
To become a member, companies are expected to fulfil the following criteria:
Trade in the UK
Carry out business within the performance automotive aftermarket sector as a manufacturer sole distributor/agent, retailer or service provider
Operate on a full-time basis from a UK address
Be in possession of a documented warranty and/or returns policy
Recognise the benefits of being part of a trade association dedicated to growing and safeguarding the performance aftermarket
Conduct business in an ethical and responsible manner
Products must comply with UK standards and laws
Pay an annual fee of £650 (no VAT)​